Live YOUR story.

Life coaching to help you embody your truth.

Is Your Life Story Playing out the Way You Want?

You absolutely deserve a happy, fulfilled life that feels so good to you. A life free of feeling afraid, people-pleasing, or justifying your decisions.

Imagine a life that feels deeply satisfying, joyous, and peaceful. Even when your world isn’t. 

You Can Change Your Life.

Even if you’re introverted.

Or can’t work a traditional 8 to 5 Monday through Friday job.

Or are so overwhelmed by the privilege and (or) responsibility of taking care of children and (or) aging parents that you can’t even remember if you had breakfast.

Or if you have more nagging worries that you don’t share with anyone:

Am I actually special? Loveable? Worthy? Good enough?
Do I deserve more than what I have now?
Do I really have a unique role in this world?

(Spoiler: The answer is YES!)

Your Ally in Rewriting Your Story.

The thing is:

You weren’t born to be some pale interpretation of someone else’s rules. 

Not society’s rules. Not your parents’ rules. Not your spouse/partner’s rules.

You are meant to live a purely original life that lets YOU shine: YOUR values. YOUR preferences. YOUR decision-making processes.

I’m Tara. I’ve spent years obsessed with self-help and even went back to school and became a mental health counselor (which I love!). Still, learning my human design completely changed my life.

Let’s work together

Human Design Readings

Unlock the treasure map to harmonious relationships, fulfilled work, full expression, and the bone-deep, authentic life you were designed to live.


Ready to do the damn thing? Excellent! Me too! Use your Human Design chart in real-life and allow your unique design to create a life you love!

Get your free Human Design Chart

Unlock your satisfying, authentic-down-to-your-bones life.

The universe took billions of years and a singly specific path to get to the very moment YOU were born. You are a UNIQUE, one-time, cosmic event! And, you were born with a unique design and purpose.

“I’ve been the weird girl for as long as I can remember. I’m always researching and reading trying to find where I fit. I have spent years seeing doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists. The diagnosis was always different but the prescription was always the same. Broken but treatable. Last year I was so lost, my tower crumbling. I reached out to Tara with little hope but I had to try at least one more time. She did my initial intake and we discussed my past traumas and dived into what I assumed would be typical therapy. She asked if I was open to something called human design, and after a quick google search I immediately said yes. I loved astrology and the myer briggs test so figured if nothing else it could be fun. I’ve now been working with Tara for a little over 7 months and let me just say human design has changed my brain chemistry. Tara has guided me and provided a safe space for me to not only heal but understand myself. Tara has never focused on labels or small talk like a lot of professionals, she focuses truly on the individual and their unique design. She is the perfect blend of science and emotions. She is a logical rainbow allowing each person to highlight their own rainbow all the while making it all make sense. I struggle a lot with understanding myself and where I belong but Tara has taken human design and therapy and altered my pathway. Truly a phenomenal person and therapist, or as I like to call her Guru.”

D. M.

I can coach anyone no matter where you live.
Outside the U.S., I can offer therapy no matter where you live.
Inside the U.S., I can offer therapy to those who live in Missouri and Kansas.