Hi! I’m Tara!

6/2 Emotional Generator | LAX of Migration 2

I believe you deserve nothing less than to love yourself deeply, believe in your value, set unapologetic boundaries, and live a joyful, fully expressed life.

I’ll help you get there by interpreting your Design to understand your purpose, innate value, and energetic superpowers to transform your fears and make aligned decisions so you can reach your goals clearly and confidently so that you can ultimately live a happy, fulfilled life.

As a practicing therapist licensed in Missouri and Kansas, I stumbled upon Human Design while researching ways to expand my support for my clients. When I learned about parts of my chart, so many things instantly made sense.

Instead of wondering if I’m crazy (or if other people are just shortsighted) for not seeing things the way I see them, I was validated by my Conscious Line 6, which possesses a vision and understanding that is often far ahead of its time.

Fun fact: “the Line 6 thinks at the ‘system’ level” and “if it is truly successful, then it puts itself out of business!” –Richard Rudd

THAT is my wiring.

I have a method and a system when I work with clients. I want to make sure you have the tools and information to go forward with confidence and support yourself as you blaze your trail. This means I work myself out of a job sooner rather than later! I want you to start blazin’!

All of this only affirmed what I know to be true from my experience as a therapist and coach, and innately in my bones:

You absolutely have completely unique gifts and a purpose here in this life.

And I am literally Designed to help you shed the outside rules that obscure them from you so that you can live in alignment with your most authentic, satisfying, and purpose-driven life.

Transofrmation Coach

WTF is Human Design?

You were born with a unique design and the keys to everything you need to live a highly satisfying, happy life. The hard part is trying to uncover those keys inside you that have been buried by the conditioning we all receive from society, your parents, and even your genetics.

I mean, bodybuilders don’t pop out of the womb as fully-formed, little muscle babies either, right? They’ve got the ingredients to become bodybuilders but first they have to grow up and figure out their perfect blend of nutrition, training, and recovery. (And tanning. 😉)

Human Design is your shortcut for rediscovering Who You Are and How to make decisions aligned with your true nature so that you can live YOUR life without f@ck!ng apology.

And it’s the foundation of our work together.

In session, I’ll meet you right where you are without judgment. If you have no idea what your goals are, that’s fine. If you have your goal broken down into 400 tasks but are paralyzed by where to start, that’s fine, too!

Our sessions are collaborative, but you’re in charge. As we explore your current challenges and questions, I’ll use your Human Design chart to guide my clarifying questions and offer possibilities. I may also use additional modalities to assist as you blaze your trail.

Human Design is a system that helps you understand yourself more clearly and make decisions that feel good as hell no matter what anyone else thinks or says.

Human Design is a synthesis of astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra system, and quantum physics. Like astrology, your Human Design chart is calculated using your birth date, time and place. Your chart provides insight into your unique purpose, gifts, talents, and opportunities for growth and how you’re designed to best move through the world, express yourself, and connect with others.

Ultimately, Human Design helps you understand yourself more clearly, make decisions aligned with your true nature, and live more authentically.

Human design emotional generator chart.

Here’s my beautiful Design! Let’s explore yours!

Unlock your satisfying, authentic-down-to-your-bones life.

The universe took billions of years and a singly specific path to get to the very moment YOU were born. You are a UNIQUE, one-time, cosmic event! And, you were born with a unique design and purpose.

Certifications and Credentials

I take learning seriously. (Helloooo, gate 48 in my moon!) I also have ADHD and find achieving certification requirements is one of the best ways to keep my learning on track!

  • Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Level 4 Quantum Human Design™
  • Quantum Human Design™ Life Cycle Analysis
  • Level 2 Quantum Alignment System™

In Missouri and Kansas:

  • Licensed Professional Counselor
  • NCC – National Certified Counselor
  • ADHD-CCSP – ADHD Certified Clinical Service Professional
  • CCATP – Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional
  • EMDR Therapy