Stop Shoulding on Yourself!

With the map for living your most free, fulfilled, and bone-deep authentic life…

Human Design Reading

The “What and Why”

Delve into your Human Design and discover your unique energetic blueprint. In this introductory reading, you’ll learn about how your energy works and your decision-making strategy. You’ll learn about your nine energy centers and how they affect how you live, work, and have healthy relationships. When you understand your unique design, you can create a life of joy that honors who you are and how you are.

Each reading includes a recording for you to keep


The “How”

In coaching sessions, I meet you right where you are without judgment. If you have no idea what your goals are, that’s fine. If you have your goal broken down into 400 tasks but are paralyzed by where to start, that’s fine, too!
An exploration chat is a complimentary connection call. I’ll share my coaching philosophy and process and answer your questions to determine if we’ll be a good fit for a coaching relationship.
Schedule a session if you are just ready to get started. Sessions are collaborative, but you’re in charge. As we explore your current challenges and questions, I’ll use your Human Design chart to guide my clarifying questions and offer possibilities. I also have many other tools in my toolbox to assist as you blaze your trail.

Get your free Human Design Chart

Unlock your satisfying, authentic-down-to-your-bones life.

The universe took billions of years and a singly specific path to get to the very moment YOU were born. You are a UNIQUE, one-time, cosmic event! And, you were born with a unique design and purpose.

Start Writing Your Life Story Today